BoldFEARS Coaching

It's Just too much! Well......, It doesn't have to be!

Do you find yourself feeling overwhelmed when you think about your new life, husband, babies, family, boss, friends?
Some days, it might feel like it’s all too much, and you just want to give up? Guess what I’m here to tell you, it doesn’t have to be!

Its a too Much Wednesday!

It doesn’t have to be. 
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About Patricia

It is Possible

Like every new stage in life, things can feel overwhelming—whether it’s a new family, a new baby, a new job, or new responsibilities. I’m here to tell you that you can make new things beautiful and it’s possible to enjoy this season.

I am in the process of learning to embrace change, and I invite you to join me on this transformative journey.


Work with me, there is always A Way!

Often, we can’t see it ourselves, we are lost in the detail and are unable to spot the light. Sometimes, you need someone to hold the torch and illuminate the path to a solution. I am holding that torch.

When you work with me, you will:


Real Clients

I would like to thank you for the Coaching sessions.

They have kept me positive and I see positivity in whatever comes my way.

I am indeed grateful for sharing your knowledge with me.


What a mind boggling session with you Coach.

This has flipped me and refocused my thinking.

Thank you Lord for Patricia.

Certified Hustler

As the songstress sings, I can see clearly now! Thank you for showing me that there is a way. I can see it Now. 

Georgina N

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ..............